Cedar County was formed in the year 1855. The county was named for the great number of cedars that grow there. It has an area of 746 sq mi. More than 8.8K people with marvelous combination of races including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with 3.6K households and 2.5K families reside in this region. Hartington is the county seat and the largest city.
One of the most important aspects about genealogy and family tree is that the information and data are sure to give a brief synopsis of your past. By retrieving an assortment of data and clues including civil court public facts, probates, armed service war, separation decree information, death news, property deeds, census, immigration, specifics, ancestral SSN, birth, wedding particulars, and other details you can easily locate your family tree.