Fillmore County was formed in the year 1856 and took its name from President Millard Fillmore. The popular county of Nebraska covers an area of 577 sq mi and is home to more than 5.8K people with a rich mix of White, Native American, Black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others along with by and large 2.6K households and 1.8K families. Geneva is the county seat and it is the largest city.
The huge database, excellent search facility along with expert support staff all together has made the Fillmore County index one of its kinds. Get hold of records and data including land registration, will and property figures, adoption specifics, vital information on birth, marriage and divorce decree, civil court dockets index, military service history and war statistics, census particulars, death and demise history, and similar other topics and begin your prized research.