Wheeler County, established in 1877, was named on the behalf of Daniel H. Wheeler and has a total area of 576 sq mi. The County seat and the largest city is Bartlett. The total population of the county is over 0.8K with marvelous combination of races including White, Native American, Black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others with more than 0.3K housing units and 0.2K families.
Basic features of the Wheeler County records reserve entails information on birth and demise history, wedding and separation verdicts, birth certificate and marriage volume numbers, census archives and ancestral SSNs details, probate and liens including will and estate figures, civil court proceedings, adoption and adoptee index, military service and enlistment particulars along with grade and entity, land and property deeds and lots more that supplement the vital as well as the public statistics simply and easily than never before!